Highland Brewing Company’s Devil’s Britches IPA!

Information Below is provided directly from Highland Brewing Company

“Lordy, that’s as red as the devil’s britches,” exclaimed a local rancher, awed by the vibrant canopy ablaze on what is known today as Devil’s Britches trail. Highland Brewing Company commemorates the history of the Great Smoky Mountains and Devil’s Britches trail with a rich, red IPA. Ashburne Mild malt produces a toasted and biscuity flavor, and Extra Special malt renders an alluring red hue. Apollo hops provide aggressive bitterness(70 IBU), while dry-hopping with Calypso hops yields complex fruity and floral aromas with hints of pear and apple. This devilishly delicious ale is Highland’s twist on the great American IPA.

We want to be the brewery of choice in the Southeast. To achieve that goal, we believe it takes more than great beer. With each new hire, it doesn’t take long to learn Oscar’s mantra: Honesty, integrity and respect. Nothing about beer, not specifically. But the larger ideals that lead to great beer – caring about how it’s made, caring for the people involved, from the grain farmer to the mom at the grocery store. Operating within these lines gives rise to a culture around a product. A culture that is sustainable for our employees, our customers and our environment. Come see us!

We say this beer is awesome! And although we may not consider this a “local craft beer”, it certainly is regional! (Asheville is only 4hrs from here and still a part of the Blue Ridge Mountains. You can even take the Blue Ridge Parkway from Roanoke directly to Asheville) Devil’s Britches IPA is Big, Bright, Beautiful American-style IPA! Only a small amount made it to Roanoke, so hurry in and try some while supplies last!


Mr. Bill

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