Wine Nothin’s 1: Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon Blanc is a damn mystery. It was said to be legendary wine drinker and erstwhile writer Ernest Hemingway’s favorite varietal, and its also infamous for taking over late-90s grocery shelves with Grapefruit bombs from New Zealand.

This week we spend time delving into one of the most versatile, even under-rated (which also means under priced) of the world’s A-List wine grapes.

Wine Nothin’s is a time for tastin’, reflectin’, truth-tellin’, & shit-talkin’, and never for genuflectin’ to the old notions of wine, properness, and tasting notes. The Fuild of Sommeliers is a magnificent and widely-esteemed outfit for good reason– but you’d almost never know they live in the same world as you and me, to hear them talk.

This is something different. This is a brief moment for you and me to taste, to wonder out loud, try a notion or two on, and say what we really mean about wines.

We’ll taste, talk about what we know, what we’ve heard, and even what we bull-headed continue to believe about the wine in the glass- even if we sort of know its just a tale. If its over-serious, respectable tasting notes delievered by a professional actor you’re looking for, look elsewhere.

This is going to be a fearless, messy adventure through some of the world’s greatest wines.